Angler Management Charters 989-289-8113 or 989-506-5383

Angler Management Charters (AMC) 989-289-8113  or 989-506-5383 is the premiere & top rated Charter fishing service on Saginaw Bay at Linwood Marina and Lake Michigan at Manistee docked at Shipwatch Marina. For Saginaw Bay, we specialize in Walleyes. On Lake Michigan we fish for King and Coho Salmon, Brown and Lake Trout. Our services run from April 1st through September.

Welcome to Angler Management Charters,(AMC) where you will have an unforgettable charter fishing experience. Linwood, and Manistee charter fishing ranks among the top Fishing places in Michigan.Linwood is the premier port for those trophy Walleys Saginaw Bay is so famous for. Manistee fishing provides Coho salmon, Chinook salmon and Steelhead fishing that AMC Captain Brad Peterson Angler Management Charters Edmore, MI 989-289-8113 or 989-506-5383 Email Captain Brad will lead into monster king salmon fishing in July, August.
Experience Walleye charter fishing with Captain Brad on Angler Management Charters at Linwood Marina where you will encounter  Michigan’s best Walleye fishing from the scenic Linwood Marina. If you can’t make it to Linwood, take the drive to the Port City of Manistee, Michigan where you will catch Salmon and Trout. A fishing experience you will never forget.
Book your fishing charter early! Choose whole or half days for your fishing trip, and contact Angler Management Charters soon.

Come experience the thrill of fishing on the best fresh water lakes on the planet!

Please contact us to find out if we are in Linwood or Manistee

Captain Brad Peterson Angler Management Charters

Edmore, MI

989-289-8113  or 989-506-5383

Email Captain Brad Here 

Our Facebook Feed


Fish with Capt. Brad and you could see your picture here too! Click here for more photos!

Please contact us to find out if we are in Linwood or Manistee

Captain Brad Peterson Angler Management Charters

Edmore, MI

989-289-8113  or 989-506-5383

Email Captain Brad Here 

Walleye, Salmon, Trout, Come Fish With Us